Elements in steel and alloys (Grundämne i legerade stål)

I järn och legerade stål förekommer bland andra följande grundämne:

Listed by master of metallurgy Stefan Norrman

Fe - järn (atomnummer 26) (smältpunkt 1538 grader c)

Iron is the base metal in steel, combining with other alloying elements to form all steel types. It is relatively soft and weak in its pure form.

C - kol (6)

Carbon is a non metallic element, forms a number of organic and inorganic compounds and can be found in coal, petroleum and limestone. It is the principle strengthening element in carbon steels and low-alloy steels. Atomic number 6, atomic weight 12.01115.

P - fosfor (15)

Phosphorus is a poisonous, non metallic element that helps protect metal surfaces from corrosion. Atomic number 15, atomic weight 30.9738.

S - svavel (16)

Sulfur is a non metallic element found mainly in volcanic and sedimentary deposits. Sulfur, in the form of iron sulfide, can cause steel to be too porous and prone to cracking. Atomic number 16, atomic weight 32.064.

N - kväve (7)

Nitrogen is added to stainless steel to improve the austenitic stability with increased yield strength.

Cr - krom (24) (smälpunkt 1907 grader c)

Chromium (Cr): Chromium, a metallic element, is found in the earth's crust. It is used in the production of stainless steel to make the steel resistant to oxidation and corrosion. Atomic number 24, atomic weight 51.996.

Ni - nickel (28) (smältpunkt 1455 grader c)

Nickel (Ni): Nickel is a hard, metallic element that found in igneous rocks. Without nickel, stainless steel would be less resistant to heat and corrosion. Atomic number 28, atomic weight 58.71.

Mo - molybden (42) (smältpunkt 2623 grader c)

Molybdenum is added to nickel chrome alloy steels to improve strength and hardness and also in chromium nickel austenitic steels it improves corrosion resistance. Molybdenum is used in some high speed steel grades.

Va - vanadin (23) (smältpunkt 1910 grader c)

Vanadium helps improve fatigue stress and wear resistance when used with other alloying elements.

Ti - titan (22) (smältpunkt 1668 grader c)

Titanium is commonly added to steel for carbide stabilization, combining with carbon to form titanium carbides.

Cu - koppar (29) (smältpunkt 1085 grader c)

Copper can be present in stainless steels for precipitation hardening properties. Used in “weathering” steels.

Al - aluminium (13) (smältpunkt 660 grader c)

Aluminium is added to steel as a deoxidizer. Added to control grain size aluminium can control austenite grain growth in reheated steels.

B - bor

Boron is an alloying element added to steel to aid heat treatment through enhancement hardenability. Sometimes added to austenitic stainless steel grades to improve its high temperature strength.

Mn - mangan (25)

Manganese is a brittle, metallic element that exists in the ore of pyrolusite. When making steel, it reacts with sulfur and helps to increase the metal's resistance to heat. Atomic number 25, atomic weight 54.9380. Also used for improved machining.

Co - kobolt (27) (smältpunkt 1495 grader c)

Cobalt can be used up to 10% content in some high speed steels. It becomes radioactive when exposed to nuclear radiation therefore for radioactive applications it must not be present in steel.

W - volfram (74) (smältpunkt 3422 grader c)

Tungsten is a major element in high speed and some tool steels. In the heat treated condition it retains hardness at elevated temperatures and is particularly useful for cutting tools.

Nb - niobium (41) (smältpunkt 2477 grader c)

Niobium stabilises carbon in the same way as titanium and strengthens steels for high temperature service.

Pb - bly (82) (smältpunkt 327,5 grader c)

Lead is added to improve machineability.

Se - selen (34) (smältpunkt 220,8 grader c)

Selenium is added to steel to improve machineability.

Ta - tantal (73) (smältpunkt 3020 grader c)

Tantalum is a refractory metal which is highly corrosion resistant. It is part of the refractory metals group, which are widely used as minor components in alloys and precipitation hardening stainless steels.

Si - kisel (14) (smältpunkt 1414 grader c)

Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust and can be found in rocks, sand and clay. It acts as a de oxidizer in steel production. Atomic number 14, atomic weight 28.086.

Zr - zirconium (40) (smältpunkt 1856 grader C)

Zirconium liknar titan.